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 Post subject: Re: Pioneer HLD-X0 Review
Posted: 28 Jul 2021, 07:03 

The primary side of the HLD-X0 or the LD-S2 which uses many of the same components does not connect the neutral wire of the power supply to unit ground. The grounding to the unit happens on the secondary side. This is true of most electronics. Since the AC input goes into the unit, then goes to the built-in in line surge protector, and then to the transformer in a loop from one power plug prong to the other. The X0 schematic shows a line input as it is the fused side of the two line loop. Which line is considered the neutral does not really matter. If you want, you can take off the bottom and determine which plug prong is the neutral one.

While there is a difference in the DC readings between the neutral primary and secondary sides that is because they are isolated from each other. As stated above US Models have this same primary to secondary difference in the neutral side.

The CLD-97 also has this loop design and would operate the same with the plug in either direction.

As soon as you plug an audio/video/etc. cable into the unit that also grounds the case of the units together making common secondary side grounds.

The HLD-X0 does benefit from the power conditioning of any decent conditioning unit.

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Posted: 30 Sep 2021, 01:19 

Starting a thread to detail tips & settings for our latest discovered toy. If you missed out on the eval board, this is in many ways its equal (...and in some ways better. Much easier anyway).

New units, firmware, and Support Materials are still available through Kramer.
Keep watching for used units to pop up as the replacement model is already listed and this one will become unavailable as soon as inventory is exhausted. B&H has some used inventory, but at a high price.

Starting Point... Will update as things mature:

Firmware Version: 01/03/15 18:27:01 (Interesting that the Kramer Web Site shows Older date on higher versions.)
I am assuming all the recent LDDB folks received the same firmware and
I also found a newer manual than the one linked to on the web site. The newer one is marked as P/N 2900-300491 Rev 5 for the VP-773A.
The older one is a Rev 2 marked for the VP-773. Differences appear to be minor.

In my "lab" I had a CLD-D703 and a DVL-V888 to compare on two VP-773AMP devices. I wrongly assumed I would end up with the exact settings for my "best results". I am absolutely no expert and these settings are the result of simply reading the manual and trying different settings. I'm looking forward to getting things more correct as the thread discussion develops. The display being used is the Pioneer Elite PRO-151FD 60" Kuro plasma (Pure Mode). Calibrated, but not professionally.

Settings for CLD-D703: (assume factory default for anything not mentioned)

Display Mode > Single Window - Best Fit
Color Space > Follow Input

Deinterlacing > Method > Motion Adaptive
Deinterlacing > Sync > Current Field
Film Mode > Follow Input
Diagonal Correction > 001
MD Sensitivity > Level 3
Picture > Dither > Mode 1

Noise Reduction > Temporal NR > 002
Noise Reduction > Block NR > 002

Aspect Ratio > Best Fit
Overscan > Off
Output > Video Resolution 480P

Hopefully this is just a good starting point and can be improved upon by those more knowledgeable as a lot of guess work went into this and it's not possible to try every combination. As is the case with most laserdisc setups in the mortal world, getting any result by HDMI of noise/detail approaching what can be achieved by plugging in a composite is a win. I believe these settings are slightly exceeding in the overall as compared to the direct composite connection... a win!

Settings for DVL-V888: (assume factory default for anything not mentioned)

Display Mode > Single Window - Best Fit
Color Space > Follow Input

Deinterlacing > Method > Motion Adaptive
Deinterlacing > Sync > Current Field
Film Mode > Follow Input
Diagonal Correction > 003
MD Sensitivity > Level 4
Picture > Dither > Mode 1

Noise Reduction > Temporal NR > 003
Noise Reduction > Block NR > 003

Aspect Ratio > Best Fit
Overscan > Off
Output > Video Resolution 480P

The amount of noise in the picture from the V888 surprised me. I hadn't compared it side by side with any of my D70x players and always thought it would compare closely. This was not the case. The end result from the Kramer is fairly cleaned up, but a whole step or two softer vs the D703. Please comment below with any freshman errors I made here and I'll update. Thanks!

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Posted: 08 Oct 2021, 01:28 

So , anyone here both both the Kramer and the Radiance 2144?

care to comment on differences , pos. and neg. on Composite processing?

someone offered me a 2144 but if the Kramer is better at Composite I'll not go the Radiance route

As far as comb filter goes its the same. The Kramer cannot scale near as well though so if you want the best possible performance either 2144 or Kramer outputting 480i into a Lumagen / MadVR / other high quality scaler.

it has been said that the 2144 does not have all the controls for the comb filter settings than it could have.

so, does the Kramer unit offer more settings to get the best performance out of composite inputs?

I do already have a Radiance XS+ and do not necessarily need a 2144.

will get my Kramer next week.

a 2144 is being offered to me right now.

Thanks for the info

You can only change the comb filter registers with the eval board not the Kramer or 2144.

All we did was change the setting for eval to be slightly sharper which you may or may not like anyway. If you have a Kramer and feed 480i to your Lumagen I'd say your going to get about the best available results of anything.

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 Post subject: Re: Pioneer HLD-X0 Review
Posted: 30 Dec 2022, 03:27 

I actually got my X0 working it turns out it was the mainboard and the mainboard for these players can cause plenty of problems. I recapped the hell out of the mainboard and kept getting a P5 error and the disc would not spin up. So did a little more work and tonight it fired up and is spinning a disc and working properly now.

I really never want to work on one of these players again it's a complete pain in the you know what. The video though the colors and picture were near perfect. Best I have seen on any LD player including the X9 which is pretty solid and the 7020 from McIntosh. Well worth the time and effort. Thanks to some fellow fourm members here who offered to take a look at it.

So if you ever get a P5 error on this machine there is a good chance it's the mainboard if everything else looks good.

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 Post subject: Re: Pioneer HLD-X0 Review
Posted: 01 Jan 2023, 03:48 

Well that's a great Christmas present, took you work but got it done.
I doubt anybody other than a super diehard will be buying one of these players, and if its worse than something like a PR-7820 or an S1 or a 3070 then I will never
touch it.
Even if I had money to burn, its been too long and the player is too old and still too expensive I would need a super warranty for this one since there are no parts
available and none as of yet to be rebuilt.

But again very happy to hear you got it working and enjoy it, I've never seen one in person and I'm sure the image is great but not worth the risk for me.

Glad we are still spinning these in the next year !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


My thoughts on the X0:
It's a nice big bulky fancy Laserdisc player. It does not offer A/B play so you have to flip the disc. It is the best built LD player ever made but yeah I likely won't ever bother getting another one and don't recommend anyone to get one unless it's at a really good price because it's so heavy,bulky and hard to work on. there are like no parts available to fix this player. It was like a game of chess for me with this thing and finding what was bad on the mainboard. I do also own an X9 which is also one of the best and really the picture difference between the X9/X0 isn't that dramatic. The colors,blacks on the X0 are a tad better and that is it most people would not notice a big difference. What is huge on the X0 is it's ability to read pretty much any LD even if it has disc rot and play it without a hitch which is really why I wanted one of these.

The X9 though which is way cheaper and also offers A/B play is likely the one to get if you want the absolute best LD player and parts are not available for that either. In all fairness though LD is a dead format and it's getting harder to get used LD parts now for pretty much any LD player. However yeah these Japan models parts are nearly impossible to get.

The X0 though is an amazing machine and the best LD player ever made and I love it but not worth the $3 grand Japan sellers are asking for it now. It's worth $2 grand imo. Go with an X9 which is cheaper instead if you want one of the best LD players ever made. The X0/X9 there isn't a big dramatic difference in performance unless you have lots of LD's with disc rot.

Still this player is quite a beauty!

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Posted: 02 Mar 2024, 10:54 

I have a Panasonic DMR-EX725 which will record and pass-through NTSC fine.
I never really gave a sh*t about its comb filter though because I also have a Crystallio 2.
On another (german) forum the Pioneer DVR-LX70D was supposedly the king of analog video,
it has a completely different input section than its smaller brother which seems to be often
overlooked as everyone is just assuming the only difference is the hard drive size.
Might be worth checking, unfortunately I never managed to grab one for a good price.
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