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zac.m |
Posted: 19 May 2018, 13:47
Thought this may be of interest to people, there appear to be several laserdisc orientated websites still active from the late 90's and early 00's. Here are a few I have found.
http://www.blamld.com/LaserDisc/index.htm This site contains info on DTS and Dobly disc as well as some stuff on Unicersal discs and Pioneer production facilities.
https://laserdiscs.discdude.net/archives/february00.htm This mostly contains the 'latest' laserdisc news but interesting to see the announcements and what actually did come out.
http://www.mindspring.com/~laserdisc-forever/ People are probably familiar with this one, it has quite a few good laserdisc reviews though.
http://www.thedigitalbits.com/site_archive/reviews/dvdmisc.html There are also two laserdisc reviews on digital bits, X Files and Star Wars episode 1
http://www.baudline.com/erik/ht/index.html This seems to someone's personal home theatre blog but it has some good stuff on it including a particularly interesting comparison of the AC3 and DTS versions of Jurassic Park.
There are probably many more classic laserdisc orientated sites out there but I found these very enjoyable to read through and show not just what the Internet was like back then but also the state of laserdisc in its last years. |
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