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Posted: 23 Feb 2018, 20:14 

This is an interesting thread for me. I've got a laserdisc collection that easily justifies the spend since I own 10,000 laserdiscs -so probably the largest collection in the world at the moment. I also own an HLD-X9 LD player so that isn't an issue in terms of having a decent source player to play these laserdiscs on. So why am I still sitting on the fence undecided?

Well the Lumagen Radiance 2144 is just another piece of electronic hardware and hardware can fail. I don't doubt Lumagen as a company would do everything they possibly could to try and keep me happy if it did fail, but can they really repair this device in 10 or especially 15 years time if they don't even make them now?

Also would they even have anything remotely comparable to offer in its place if they couldn't repair it? I doubt it given they appear to have abandoned all development of video processors for analogue sources or if they haven't soon will.

A lot of you guys have small analogue collections if truth be told. I've also seen more people come and go on this forum than snow off a ditch over the last 10 years. One minute some guy can't wait to buy all the MUSE titles ever released, the next he's selling the lot. So my point is this do I go on the advice of someone like that who switches technology more often than I change my TV channels or do I trust my own gut instinct.

I'm in it for the long haul. There's no turning back when you've as many discs as I have! It isn't about the quantity though, its about the fact I love music on laserdisc so again my emphasis is primarily the sound with the bonus of having some video to watch - not the other way around. I'm also very happy with the picture quality I get at the moment even from some of my more basic LD players and I'm not using any fancy video processors at all, just built-in scaling in the DVD player and AV Receiver. I also only use 2 speakers since that's pretty much all you need if you want to listen to music.

So you see my dilemma.
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