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 Post subject: Re: AC-3 RF specification?
Posted: 29 Jun 2021, 14:12 

I came into this forum to basically post this exact thread.

I was hoping to find some information on the AC3 RF signal. Like the frequency it operates on, etc.

I'm an embedded firmware developer, and I wanted to look into building my own demodulator with a few cheap parts like say an AVR (Not sure if they're fast enough -- might need to go ARM) plus some RF and SPDIF modules. The problem is I just can't seem to find the required technical documentation on the AC3 RF signal itself.

In theory, I should be able to convert the RF signal into a bitstream and send it out over SPDIF relatively easily. In theory. I'll see if theory matches up with reality if I can get my hands on specs. :lol:

If I'm able to come up with a solution, I'd be happy to share the information and even source code with others who could build their own. Hopefully with just a dirt-cheap Arduino board and a couple other bits. I could utterly fail, as RF isn't one of my areas of expertise, but I'd at least like to give it a try.

$200+ on eBay just to get AC3 surround from a Laserdisc is insane.

I'm wondering if the details are too well-kept of a secret to pull this off.

If you find anything about "software decoding" AC3-RF that would also be very helpful for ld-decode. See:

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Posted: 21 Jul 2021, 19:20 

Just wanna say thanks for the instructions. I replaced C116 on a dead DVL-919 and temporarily bridged the blown P612 and it works again. I now ordered new fuses then hopefully everything will be OK again.

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Posted: 08 Nov 2022, 22:37 

el.pablo wrote:
Does anyone have one to sell or know where I can get one? Thanks.

In the US? Not anymore. I saw one on ebay Kleinanzeigen in Germany.

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 Post subject: Fitto Karaoke Boxes
Posted: 09 Jan 2023, 11:59 

I found something interesting I couldn't find any information for.

Fitto Karaoke Boxes

I got two filled with various Hong Kong Karaoke discs (not only from Fitto). I don't know if those came pre-filled or could be bought separately. One came with a catalog / song list for Fitto LAV 8001 to 8030.



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Posted: 25 Mar 2023, 21:43 

That's not so uncommon.

Werner - Beinhart! (1990) [51397]

The first comment says, there is a second cover version. That's correct, I do have both. And this is not the only one.

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Posted: 27 Mar 2023, 20:59 

There are even worse things: Same cover, same catalog number but one version in full screen, one in widescreen. So different content here. The ONLY difference is a sticker on the later one.
Lethal Weapon (1987) [11709 LD]

Or here where there are two covers but to know if you have the "fixed" version of the disc, you have to look at the mint marks.
Eagles: Hell Freezes Over (1994) [ID4065GF]

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Posted: 06 Oct 2023, 14:54 

I had another look at the player and there are more adjustment points. I slightly increased some of the potentiometers and now have a decent image. I could also revert the three settings i previously changed to get a picture to their original state. So nothing is maxed out now.

Sound is also there now.

I don't know how good the image should look. I get some shadows on the Japanese subs but it is still a old analog medium not a Blu-Ray.

It's absolutely worth not giving up on such a well-build machine. It'll go back to storage now nevertheless. I won't keep the setup for just one disc.

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Posted: 13 Oct 2023, 07:56 


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Posted: 18 Feb 2024, 11:57 

It's a shame doesn't want to provide any pictures or information. Such a rare piece should be shared with the community.

I was also following the various auctions on HD MAC and other rare discs but I won't spent a few hundred $ just to have such an item without a player.

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Posted: 04 Jun 2024, 12:10 

It's a nice piece of technology but my LVR-6000 & LVS-6000P has been packed away after one test. Yeah, they are working (at least the playback, haven't tried recording) but other than being curious about it once there is not much use for it unless you have some disc you desperately want to play.

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Posted: 15 Sep 2024, 09:06 

I doubt that the Toshiba HD-E1KY can output DTS-HD MA and TrueHD bitstream over HDMI. This is a first gen player and the basic model. It should even have only HDMI 1.2, not 1.3

Only the higher end models could output the bitstream. Toshiba even locked out the EP30 from DD/DD+ bitstreaming even though the hardware was capable of it (no DTS-HD MA bitstream capability though).

LG BH 200 should do bitstream on later firmwares.

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Posted: 31 Dec 2024, 10:43 

Do you have any dropouts in the picture too? It could also be rotted discs but shouldn't be the case for all of them.
If you select analog audio on a disc with AC3 you will get one channel of noise. You then need to select analog left only, not stereo.

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Posted: 01 Jan 2025, 10:30 

Other LD remotes SHOULD work, CD or DVD remotes MIGHT offer some basic functionality but likely switching audio is a specific function. You can try universal remotes, preferably older ones.

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Posted: 16 Jan 2025, 20:35 

There seem to be quite a few different releases with different content.

There are the (at least to me) most common versions from Software Corner
Dragon's Lair [SC 426020-1]
Thayer's Quest [SC 426020-2]

Mine came together in a box:

With an additional picture:

The box has room for much more, so maybe some extras are missing.

Then there are two RDI discs but it is unclear where are the differences.
590-0002 has a metal plate on the dead side. Likely for an arcade machine. Never seen a 590-0001.

Then there is a two sided release that starts with Halcyon and RDI logos.
The two labels are slightly different. I think, the content is the same but the sides are reversed between the two discs. I've only done a short check.

So far I haven't found any other Dragon's Lair discs.

Does anyone know more about the different Thayer's Quest versions?

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 Post subject: Re: Laser Rot
Posted: 23 Jan 2025, 17:26 

The rot status is completely unreliable in general. You only have a slight indicator on popular titles. For example all German and most UK rotters are listed with none or (very) low probability, even on titles where you have a 90% rot chance. Yeah, I myself only reported one rot status so no judgement here.

The other way round (like with Star Wars) is also true. High Probability does not mean most discs are gone. I think a lot report some dirt on the film print as rot or chroma noise as rot and so on. Also a speckle here and then can be caused by anything, not necessarily rot.

Maybe the rot level should be taken into account? A dead disc counts like 10 times a light rot? But that might lead to awfully complex calculations.
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