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Posted: 27 Oct 2021, 12:37 

The LC8904Q is selective through serial control to have pin 1 output the data on the inputs directly. Pin 35 is a demodulated format. You could use an i2s to spdif converter to derive the signal or figure some way to set the chip to output spdif on pin 1. I don't have a schematic for the DP870 to see what they're utilizing pin 1 for. It's possible they're using it for another purpose I will say that the Rotel units are super easy to modify with a digital out.

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 Post subject: Re: Pioneer HM-D101
Posted: 28 Oct 2021, 03:27 

The Pioneer decoder on ebay is mine. $2000 is the "it's for sale for the right price." Don't know why the listing is for parts or not working and it will not let me change it. Might be because of the category its in. Strange.

As far as the ringing and jaggieness of the subtitles reported above. They're non-existant on the Hitachi. It's entirely possible your decoder needs new capacitors. The inside of this one was a mess with all the dried out SMD caps. I must say save the fan noise it's the finer of my decoders. I have owned most of them. MST-2000, MSC-3000, MSC-4000, TU-AHD100 and the Pioneer PDP-502R outputting component through the VCR output. It's on par with the TU-MDC100 from what I can tell regarding pictures a friend has shared. It's no Panasonic TW series studio decoder but it gets the job done well and it's sexy as hell.

Anyone with a Pioneer have a remote?

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 Post subject: Re: Pioneer HM-D101
Posted: 28 Oct 2021, 12:05 

A quick ask - audioboyz1973 above mentioned some time ago that his Pioneer HM-D101 made the Sony 4000 onscreen image appear like it had a lightly frosted sheet of glass in front of it in comparison, did you see a difference as drastic as this between the other models?

Before even reading this comment I had noticed my recapped Sony MSC-4000 was "fuzzy" in comparison to my other decoders. The "lightly frosted glass" describes the effect perfectly.

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Posted: 03 Mar 2022, 15:35 

Alternatively you could use the other set of outputs. The other outputs are for recording and do not have OSD overlayed.

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 Post subject: Champagne Sony HIL-C1
Posted: 18 Apr 2022, 21:38 

Whoever the lucky new owner is, I envy you. That is one damn fine looking player you got. Somehow my bid did not go through and I was in a meeting when the auction closed.

If you ever decide to sell it I will buy it. If you need it repaired I can also help.

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 Post subject: Re: Pioneer HM-D101
Posted: 23 Apr 2022, 02:29 

The mystery of the jaggies solved. It's apparently due to the filter applied.

About the PDP-502R, there is a card located under the lid. The memory chip has cold solders. I have fixed a few by reflowing the NEC branded memory chip.

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Posted: 24 Apr 2022, 04:03 

Panasonic TU-PH30 uses same exact decoder board as Pioneer PDP-502R .

NEC HV-MD5000T uses all the decoder ICs in the reference material 2nd gen decoder developed by NHK. Along with the Sony NTSC encoder IC used in the PDP-502R.

I have a Panasonic TU-MDC100 I can photograph but I seem to remember it using many of the same components as the PDP-502R except A/D and D/A were handled differently and the PDP-502R was fully contained whereas the MDC100 had no power supply components located on the decoder daughter board. They were located with other components on the main board.

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Posted: 13 May 2022, 16:16 

cplusplus wrote:

The proper way to run this model at 120V would be to find out if there is a winding for it. If so, connect J1, J2 appropriately. Below is the top of the primary side.

The jumper to change the windings is right there next to J1 and J2.

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Posted: 05 Jun 2022, 02:29 

NEC HV-MD5000T pics

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Posted: 29 Aug 2022, 21:08 

The 5v regulator IC mounted near the front of the decoder likes to get cold solders. I have repaired MANY MSC-4000 and that regulator always has micro cracks in the solder joint. Easy to miss if you're not looking for it.

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Posted: 02 Feb 2023, 05:45 

I recently purchased a 2144 directly from Lumagen and it has a noisy composite input. I paid $3700 for this gigantic pile of s**t.

I contacted Jim at lumagen and tried various combinations of cabling and couldn't seem to get rid of this TERRIBLE scrolling hum bar that varies in frequency. I even resorted to using my Keces P8 linear power supply from my Radiance pro.

So I sent this thing back to Lumagen for service after twisting Jim Peterson's arm about it.

He REFUSES to admit there is a problem with it because he tested using the COMPONENT outputs of a bluray player at 480p.

I really want to prove to this guy that I ain't some incompetent a-hole.

I just want something done and get my 2144 back in working order. Not some HALF ASSED attempt at testing and "Whelp! It looks good to me!"


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Posted: 02 Feb 2023, 06:33 


I have covered all the bases. Even moved the darn thing to a different room. Both inputs exhibit the same noise.

My eval board and Kramers don't have the noise.

It's not a 50/60hz hum. It's a cyclic hum that varies, stays still for a second, reverses and repeats. Component video also experiences a flickering band near the top of 2.35 frame. Also verified with multiple sources.

I got someone to loan me one, but it's going to cost $130 is shipping and insurance to get it here.

All in all I am pretty disappointed in the service I have recieved on a $3700 USED processor with a 1 year "warranty".

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Posted: 02 Feb 2023, 06:45

Link to the video demonstrating the noise.

Players were a mixture of 2 X0s and 2 hil-c1 Sonys and an LD-V800 using BNC and rca cables to test.

I think the video was a C1 but all players exhibit the noise.

Thing is there is one common denominator here in all the various ways of testing and that's the 2144. Switching out the 2144 for the XE I was replacing yields a noise free image.

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 Post subject: Re: Sony MST-1000
Posted: 13 May 2023, 13:46 

Inside the MST-1000


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Posted: 10 Oct 2023, 23:11 

Guy tried scming me on ebay for a Titanic DTS disc.

Sent a picture of a cracked disc to initiate the return , returned a completely different cracked disc.

Seller beware.

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Posted: 11 Oct 2023, 01:34 

I would like to post a positive outcome.

Ebay decided to refund the buyer but I was able to keep the sale.

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Posted: 19 Feb 2024, 04:57 

But the X0 wouldn't let you input/output 5ch sound. They must have put half a MUSE decoder inside (audio section only) for this?

What would have been the use cases?
Museums or Movie theater or Corporate, using the audio input for ambiance music in-between (or microphone)?


I really interested in the audio section of this player. Should have answers in a week or so.

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 Post subject: Mitsubishi HV-V920MN
Posted: 17 Mar 2024, 02:11 

Not a Muse decoder, but a VCR with a Muse/NTSC converter built in.

Very interesting.

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Posted: 31 Mar 2024, 23:34 

I am located in Michigan and have serviced Pioneer, Sony and a few Panasonic players. I have a variety of calibration discs including the elusive Sony 8" disc and test jig.

5 X0's calibrated and too many Sony's to count.

I don't keep parts around so if you have a dead player it might be a good idea to source a parts unit before contacting me.

I hate the idea of shipping because nobody in the US could care less about your player than the shipping companies.

Turnaround time is usually 2-3 weeks since I do have a day job, kids, and my wife has SMA requiring plenty of assistance.

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 Post subject: Re: Lumagen Radiance XE
Posted: 07 Apr 2024, 03:52 

Make sure deinterlacing in all modes works. Feed it a 1080i signal and go into the deinterlacing menu an make sure auto mode works. If it's set to game mode it's trash.

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Posted: 30 Aug 2024, 20:49 

I've watched USED remotes sell for more than a new remote directly from Lumagen. Might be worth a shot just getting a new remote.
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