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 Post subject: Re: Fawlty towers is racist
Posted: 12 Jun 2020, 17:03 

This thread depressed me.

Another word about Song of the South...since people are so ignorant.

It was ALWAYS considered a backward film. Literally from the day it was released. It was never ever “all of the sudden racist”. That is a false statement and people shouldn’t feel good about saying things like that. It premiered in a theater in a city where the very star of the film was not allowed to attend. Why didn’t they premiere it some state that wasn’t s****y? Because it was a story more popular in Georgia than probably anywhere else. If they opened in NYC or LA nobody would have known WTF it was. Controversy has ALWAYS been with this movie. It wasn’t a “liberals took it off the market.” That never happened. Disney is the owner, THEY don’t want to sell it. It’s there’s, they don’t have to. This is not a “ban”.

Secondly, it’s not considered racist because it depicts black people as slaves. It’s considered a dangerous fantasy because it depicts slavery as a happy place for black people. It idealizes the setting, that’s the issue. It makes it seem like everything was just like a new ride a Disneyland when it fact the US slave industry was 400 years of one of the crudest most inhumane murder machines every designed.

Now, knowing how badly you mischaracterized that, I’d just love to hear this episode of a radio show you heard to hear what they really said.

Some other notes:

Faulty Towers is great.

Gone with the Wind frankly sucks. It’s the Avengers of the 1940s. Regardless, nobody is banning it. It’s being removed from HBO Max so they can whip up a mini doc to run with it that explains how racist and massively unrealistic it is.

Another thing I’d like to say is that things like Gone With the Wind do not suddenly offend people one day. Gone With the Wind ALWAYS offended people. It just offended people that had no voice so they just had to take it like all the other BS. Now they don’t, and you’re just learning what the issue is centuries late, clueless and confused. Try not to be such a prat about it.

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 Post subject: Re: Fawlty towers is racist
Posted: 15 Jun 2020, 17:45 

I'm not saying we should ban/censor. I'm not a book burner. Make art that makes people question their own reality - PLEASE!

My entire point was that if we as HUMANS move in a direction away from the formulaic and cliche'd stereotypes that are portrayed we might begin to see each other more as equals than we obviously do now. Did the Jazz Singer improve race relations or did it make them worse? Does that image have an impact today 100 years later? Sure does, though maybe not to YOU.

Jazz Singer vs Blazing Saddles. You can tell one is more serious than the other and with comedy you can begin to see how things like racism/sexism/homophobia are just so inherently unacceptable by the way they take things too far. Even the writers would probably agree that the characters they created are assholes and that is the point. You associate that behavior with assholes (like when people here say things like "China Virus"). Contrary to the Jazz Singer which was a serious drama that in fact celebrates a time when it was acceptable, even entertaining, to do blackface.

I just bought Fawlty Towers DVD set for my 77 year old father. I love all that stuff, especially Are You Being Served? I grew up watching Married With Children and All in the Family too. I GET IT. HA HA HA its funny, ok? I also grew up watching GWTW with my Mom because she really enjoyed it and I grew to enjoy it as well. Though, what I really enjoyed, was In Living Color . That show pushed back on all that racial stuff, gave it a new twist and a Black perspective and it was HILARIOUS. Some people at the time, however, thought it was racist against White people because they portrayed them and dumb prejudiced honkeys when in fact all they were doing was what other shows had already done for Black folks. They spoofed so hard on Anglo-American culture/media and its all genius. So there is my point again, there will be more shows that are produced/written and performed by non-whites and may be super critical of whites. I guarantee they will suffer a lot of criticism for being racist against while people. Just wait. Comedy has the ability to walk the line that drama doesn't, in my opinion.

I also watched the Rodney King beating and trial then watched my city burn to the ground. Now I'm seeing the same thing happen almost 30 years later. Nothing has changed but it needs to. I'm sorry if you disagree.

Again, some people here are very upset that SotS was never made available in the US beyond VHS. Disney decided to not promote the fantasy that slavery was not that bad anymore. Kudos to them. The government didn't force them to shelf it either. Those people are angry at the content creator/copyright holder for stealing their childhood away or whatever. "My heritage is being destroyed by the liberals!" I've never seen the movie and I could give a crap if is is or isn't released here (see how your personal experience can have an effect on being objective?). Keep pissing up a rope, waiving your flags and watching your VHS tape. Same with HBO and GWTW. When you own a media corporation you make the choice as to what is shown. Until then you get what you get. Sorry. Why don't you petition Disney/HBO and demand they give you the programming you deserve, lol. You should be proud to live in a democracy hahaha! Power to the people.

BTW I'm mixed race first generation American for whoever asked. My Dad is straight up R-A-C-I-S-T. That doesn't give me any more right than anyone else to say anything on anyone's behalf except mine. You can say whatever you want and I'll listen. I'm not some savior of the people or whatever. I just believe in listening to people and taking their concern to heart. Especially when a certain group has been systematically oppressed in this country. I, personally, think that is more important than people who aren't able to own SotS on 4K BR in the US in 2020.

I didn't start this topic. I'm just voicing an opinion as many here have and will continue to do so. I will continue to stand up for what I believe and don't have a problem confronting opposing opinions. That's how we grow. You do the same so hopefully we can meet in the middle and be civil, respectful, adult humans.

If this makes you uncomfortable you can ask to have this thread closed/removed/banned/censored or what have you ;)

Sheesh, people are the f'ing worst...and its only Monday!
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