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 Post subject: Re: Your Very First LD
Posted: 17 Mar 2012, 12:43 

My first LD was TAXI DRIVER (Criterion). It was a birthday present (maybe around 1994) and everybody had a laugh, as I didn´t have a Player. It took me a few years until I bought myslef a player, in the meantime the LD was placed by the vinyl collection. At this time the Discs were so expensive, i never thought I would buy myself a movie priced by around 100 US Dollar. Well, that changed in 1997, when I bought my first player together with the BRAVEHEART Pal-LD.. :)

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Posted: 14 Dec 2017, 20:16 

Hey Guys, the topic says it all. I´m interested how long you are willing to wait for a payment, if someone ordered LDs from you here. Or to be more precise, if communication is slow, and nothing happens on the buyers side (no payment, no more mails),when is your personal limit reached and you say: OK, thats it, I´m going to cancel this.
I just don´t get it, when I order something here, I want to have it , right ?So the first thing I´m doing is to pay, so that those Discs start flying in...Ok, excited to hear your stories.

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Posted: 19 Feb 2018, 21:23 

Just to clear that thing with the shipping costs: Maybe Erik Alvner can explain that the shipping costs for 15 laserdiscs was WITHIN Germany and not FROM Germany TO sweden :-) Shipping costs are more expensive to european neighbour countries than that.

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Posted: 30 Apr 2018, 17:19 

Welcome to the brotherhood of obsolete media :-) and enjoy your discs!!

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Posted: 16 Aug 2021, 22:39 

There are dozens of LDDB sellers, including Julien, who can vouch for my credibility. In the past 15 years, I have purchased more than 250 laserdiscs from LDDB sellers, totaling more than $15,000. Furthermore, I have been on eBay since April 1999 with 2,712 positive feedbacks.

I am as trustworthy and as truthful as it gets. Trust me.

Eric Eide

And I am one of them - I´d vouch for you! Eric was a great person to deal with, absolut 100% correct and he spend a lot of money on our deal.
I don´t visit the forum as often as in the past, but seeing Eric sell his collection and reading the whole thread, it reminded me of myself somewhere in the future. What are we doing with this stuff ? Surely, i agree with most of you, there´s not really much money to make, we all would be happy if we get what we once invested.
Well, about the collection, I´d love to browse it and if I had enough money, I´d buy if, so the hunt for several nearly impossible to get LDs would be over in a second. But well, I hope that you find someone willing to pay what you ask for, though I don´t believe you will. It´d be cool to hear from you when you sold it, good luck!
PS: But what interests me maybe more - was it a hard for you to finally part with your collection ?
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