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Posted: 26 Mar 2023, 22:08 

So the knowledge I should take from this conversation is that a multitude of laserdiscs are out there with different cover art but that if they have the same reference ID I can be confident that at least the disc has the same content, at least if the title is the same? Also that CAN accomodate multiple instances of the same reference ID's becuase the database uses a different unique identifier for each recognized disc type.

In this case the identifiers seem to be 24353 and 59003 whch I guess are incremental numbers handed out as people discover new discs. :-)

I suppose since neither of the two "Father Christmas" discs are in my hands I should not attempt to generate a new item until I do so. Also, I should be encouraged to do so for any discs that I do have that may not be represented as shown in the database even if it is only a cover difference.

Please correct me if these are NOT the set of ideas I should finish with. :-)

Thank you, everyone for clearing this up for me. :-)

What you should be taking away from this is that you care way too much about completeness and correctness. The people who MADE THIS STUFF didn’t even care as much as you do. This ain’t like Star Wars toys or Yugioh cards where every single thing came from the same company at the same time and is all fully accounted for with ease. “Collect them all.” is a thing that can be done if you’re rich enough and if it’s designed to be done by the people who made it all. Tens of thousands of LDs came from hundreds of plants and publishers in a dozen countries over a period of decades. You cannot…”know it”, ever. Not even with LDDB.

Covers change while catalog items retain the same number…not just LDs. Books, records, tapes, model kits, toothpaste, pretty much everything that stays in manufacture long enough. You change the number when it matters and is helpful, not to soothe mental illness. The idea of a “complete collection” in LD is…much newer than LD…a childish idea, wildly impractical to attempt and totally impossible to achieve. You’re going to have to punch out once in a while and relax.

BTW, I have the Father Xmas with the obi. Let me know if you have any questions about it.

There at least two actually different LDs of The Snowman. One has the Bowie intro and one doesn’t. There may be more but those also may just be reprints of the same thing.

I really like this practical perspective. Besides, if complete-ism gets the better part of me it ruins the fun and enjoying ourselves is what collecting laserdiscs is all about, right? :-) I'll just have to beat down that OCD demon from time to time so I can continue enjoying things. :-)
"Just repeat to yourself, "It's just a show, I should really just relax For Mystery Science Theater 3000!" " ;-)
Thanx and LLAP
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