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Posted: 23 Mar 2021, 22:41 

Sorry guys...I have an EAD T-7000 with what I believe is a Dead Pickup...I bought the Magnavox CDV305(owned by Phillips) which is a clone of the Phillips CDV400 ..They are Very close ,butt no cigar...
Note the Clamper Assy on both and the belt that moves the Pickup Assy and the change on the EAD ,,,,No Belt..just gears..
The Theta
The Magnavox CDV305
The EAD T-7000
Compare the Pickups...note the slight difference

Hope this answers the question that the EAD T-7000 is Not built on the CDV400
The Theta Data II and the Monarchy(I asked him) are built on the Phillips CDV400 and the EAD?....I think its a slightly newer model...The Phillips LDP400 or its Magnavox clone...
Ive already dropped the money on the wrong unit,butt I think I can modify it to work...trim a bit of plastic near the track tube and drill 2 small holes for the tiny bolts that holds the track piece.
Interesting article by a guy that coveted the Theta II when he was young ,when he bought it years later and opened it up...well,,read the article...he reverse engineers it back to the Phillips.

This is my first post here ,and pictures too...I think I got it right...if I didnt?....Be nice...Im a Senior Citizen...lmao..
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