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Posted: 14 Jul 2024, 05:28 

Hello all,
This is my first post here, though I've had an account and have been collecting LDs for around a year now. Today at an estate sale, I was rummaging through the record bin on the off chance there might be some LDs. And some LDs there were. I found what from all I can tell are QC discs from the Technidisc plant, printed before the main run for workers to run diagnostics on the ensure all was well with the master before beginning production. They're in custom sleeves, all dated from late 1995 to early 1996. They seem to be the full 4 disc set of the Twilight Zone Vol 1 box set, and the one disc I tested played without issue and none seem to have any rot. The sleeves are blank, with a bunch of handwriting on them, with some names and numbers, the meaning of all of which I'm not quite sure. There aren't any label stickers on the discs, though as you can see some were put onto the sleeve (I'd imagine for easy reference). Included too were some diagnostic graphs printed out during the testing, which is super cool to see. Really I'd just like to know if any of y'all have seen anything like this before and if they have any value. Regardless, I just thought they were super cool and I should share here.

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Posted: 15 Jul 2024, 03:05 

Lets us know when you sell them if they actually sell, I have a set for a film I'm trying to figure out how to list and what they're worth.

You have some discs similar to this? That's cool. I'd be curious to see them and the sleeves and any info and dates attached. You're the only other person I've ever seen claim to have something similar, so might be worth posting. I mean, If I were to sell them, I'd probably just list them with a reasonably low reserve just to see how high the auction goes, as I didn't pay all that much for them, but it just depends on who it has value to. Honestly though, as someone who's super invested in the production process of discs and rarities to be found, I think I'll hold on to them for a good while just due to their uniqueness. If someone really wants them, I suppose I'd be open to offers, but as it is, it's just a cool find.
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