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Posted: 15 Aug 2012, 07:33 

My CLD-D515 (somewhat similar) had the same problem. The load belt was taut enough to pull the tray in, but not enough to lift all that load of stuff to lock the disc into place, and if the disc isn't locked in, no spin and a spit-out happens.

Replace that load belt, clean the pulleys and relube where needed, if needed.

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Posted: 19 Sep 2012, 03:10 

I don't blame you. I swore off the 500 series except for the 504 and 505, the AC3 models, For some interesting reason, the midrange AC3 players are better built than the others. I mean the 406, 504, 505, 604 and 605. They all have the U-turn laser assembly track which is simpler and more reliable and less problems with tray opening, plus quieter and faster too.

If I was getting a midprice model, it would be one of those, and likely the 406, 604 or 605 since they also have optical output.

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Posted: 21 Sep 2012, 22:56 

yazorin wrote:
One reason I'm hesitant to open this puppy up is because I've read on some sites that if you play a disc while the case is open the light from your room will confuse the sensors, is that true?

Not true, open it up.
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