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Posted: 05 Aug 2019, 01:45 

I recently acquired two industrial players and I've built a cable to talk to them. I thought I would document the process here:

1. Buy a male DB15 connector and a female DB9 connector.
From DB15 to DB9 connect:
Pioneer sold this as Pioneer Cable # CC-13. PacParts still has at least some variant of this available for order, but it is of course quadruple the cost of making one.

2. Buy USB to RS-232C converter. I believe I purchased mine at RadioShack long ago. Mine was made by Prolific.

3. If you don't have Linux running somewhere, install it on VirtualBox. I used Debian 9. After the OS is done installing, go to Devices -> USB and select your USB/serial converter.

4. Ensure your player is set to 4800 baud. On most players (all?) this is controlled by dip switch two on the back. It should be off for 4800 (up position).

5. ls /dev should show ttyUSB0. You can begin communication with stty. For example stty 4800 < /dev/ttyUSB0; echo -e "OP\r" > /dev/ttyUSB0 should open the door.

6. If you want something a little more robust, install minicom. Start with minicom -s and go to device (A) and set to /dev/ttyUSB0. Go to serial port setup (E) and change speed to 4800. Disable hardware flow control. Save setup as dfl.

I'm currently writing a library to make it easier to interact with these players. Controlling these players through software is pretty cool and can be useful. For example, it is possible to disable repeat play which is pretty annoying on these players, set the player into test mode, change background from blue to black, play at half speed, get your player's hardware revision number, etc.

Next up is to buy the barcode software Pioneer made to see if barcodes can be created from the more useful commands.

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Posted: 20 Apr 2024, 03:02 

- Is ~$100 a good amount of cash to spend on this?
$100 total, yes.

- If the spindle motor is good in the D503, how difficult a job is it to replace these components?
I would say it is medium difficultly. Take care not to over disassemble. Do not break off the PCB lead that sticks out of the bottom of the metal spindle case. Replace the grip before you put it into the CLD-D704.

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Posted: 23 Apr 2024, 21:58 

The Spindle FG sensor also has to be carefully removed without breaking the plastic tabs. The plastic has become very brittle. Just finished a 703 and 704 for a member on here. The Spindles are wearing out quickly. He sent one parts 503 and that spindle was half locked. You can't use penetrating oil like on the older 701/702, etc. Those bearings worn out quickly new even on 503/703/704/99 and Karaoke models using same spindle. And the DVL's , 505, etc. 1995-1998. Spindles were low quality and seen many power Supplies burnt, because of the stress. I'm not sure if I even have enough spares to sell, still have a 703 that needs one replace... I've been backed up on service, because power Supplies need some recapping.


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Posted: 19 May 2024, 21:56 

Interesting that this thread should pop up to-day, as it's been my first ever day of LaserDisc serial communication.

I recently acquired an LD-V6100, and, after buying a cheap PCI Serial Port card for my Windows 10 PC, set about linking the two together.

First of all I tried the "DOS test" software which can be found here .

...running in "DOSBOX" (which needed a tiny bit of configuration to see my "COM3" serial port as "COM1", basically this: " serial1=directserial realport:Com3 ").

It worked but unfortunately it seems that the LD-V6100 (not supported by this software) has a different command set to the LD-V6000 (which is the option I used) so all I managed to do was toggle the on-screen display.

I then had a quick go with Windows Powershell, and cobbled together the appended. But with a lack of documentation, all I found out how to do was to toggle the display and switch the audio channels off and on...

[to use that, change the first two values in the Byte array to the command value you want - so if you want to send "ED", you send 0x45.., 0x44.., 0x0D - as 0x45 is the hex code for the ASCII letter "E" and 0x44 for "D". I think there should have been a way to send it as a single byte but didn't pursue that.]

My ultimate aim was to get some ancient MS-DOS LaserDisc training software working, but didn't get far with that - may continue that in a separate thread sometime...

$port1 = new-Object System.IO.Ports.SerialPort COM3,9600,None,8,one
$port1.Encoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8
$port1.Write([byte[]] (0x31,0x40,0x0D), 0, 3)

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Posted: 19 May 2024, 22:47 

yobagme wrote:
Hopefully its compatible with the LD-V2200.
Yes looks as though it should be okay, the LD-V2200 is on there:
yobagme wrote:
Let us know if you make any further progress on your end. Good luck!

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Posted: 20 May 2024, 08:00

For the cable wiring, CC-04, CC-05, CC12 and CC13 described in PIB #150002 - Pioneer Cable Specifications .

From PIB #150012 , PIB #152002 and PIB #152102 :

Pioneer LD-V8000 1200 / 4800 / 9600 (default)
Pioneer LD-V6000A 300 / 600 / 1200 / 2400 / 4800 / 9600
Pioneer LD-V6000 1200 / 4800 / 9600
Pioneer CLD-V5000 1200 / 2400 / 4800 (default) / 9600
Pioneer LD-V4400 1200 / 4800 (default) / 9600
Pioneer LD-V4200 1200 / 4800 (default)
Pioneer CLD-V2800 1200 / 2400 / 4800 (default) / 9600
Pioneer CLD-V2600 1200 / 4800 (default)
Pioneer CLD-V2400 1200 / 4800 (default)
Pioneer LD-V2200 1200 / 4800 (default)

If this can be useful.


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Posted: 22 May 2024, 19:25 

yobagme wrote:
Did you ever make any progress with the library to interact with the player and Linux by chance?

I did, but the code here is much more usable:
DomesdayDuplicator PlayerCommunication

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Posted: 27 Jun 2024, 20:59 

The CLD-3080 was my top seller 12 to 15 years ago. Some on Audiogon used it as a CD transport only. It shares everything from the Elite 95 except Spindle Motor. I prefer the low noise on the 3080, 95, 97. Yes, Analog!

On Plasmas anyways the above 3 usually look nice composite out directly to TV. My Panasonic is opposite, as S-Video out using Audioquest cable looks best. Because Pioneer TVS had the best composite circuitry. It's all trial and error. As my 2013 LG Plasma was perfect with direct composite.

The 99,etc. I have to turn off the TV's Video Noise Reduction to get a cleaner picture. Each manufacturer has it's own settings.

3080's used to fetch around $500.00 serviced and AC-3 out.

The Optical out, I deleted, and just ran pure silver for coax out, in its place.

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Posted: 07 Jul 2024, 17:22 

He’s the best. He has my 99 at the moment but it’s already fixed. We just need to arrange pickup. When I gave him the 99 to fix I also bought a 95 off him which I’ve been using daily since and the thing is essentially perfect.

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Posted: 11 Jul 2024, 10:28 


Thanks for the nice review and words on your CLD-D704 LD Player. I think the most work was getting the correct double boxes and packing it securely for a safe transit home! I hate when the U.P.S store doesn't stock the boxes I usually use. And it's a 45 minute drive for me. I used to have Fedex Send me real industrial boxes years ago, but seems like when I asked, they don't do it anymore. I will have to check my notes.

I still think it plays too Quiet!! :mrgreen: Lol That Spindle Motor must be when Pioneer did quality ones from their source!

Again, thanks for the kind words, and I'm happy I helped a member on Lddb.


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Posted: 17 Jul 2024, 16:29 

Oh nice!
That "Space Ace" disc is one weired curiosity.
I love stuff like this!

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Posted: 18 Jul 2024, 17:05 

New SSL certificate generated to have all under HTTPS.

Also working on adding a legacy header (with relevant links) on each of the 500+ pages of like this one:


This is a legacy archive of

This website was run until 2007~2010 by Iain Hodgman and became abandoned before the domain expired and was parked for ads.
Whereabouts of Iain are unknown, we haven't received any email from him in 15+ years.
The related LDDb Hardware Database entry can be found here: ...


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Posted: 10 Sep 2024, 18:24 

That's a real shame. Fortunately, we have top men working on it as we speak.

Top. Men.
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