I have already asked these questions to a fellow user here on the forums, on the thread
Films released on newer formats that you always watch on LD, but since I received no reply on the subject, I felt that my questions were somewhat inappropriate for that thread.
An online store was selling the AC-3 pressings of The Godfather Trilogy on LD (individually, not as a box set). Here are the listings on LDDB:
https://www.lddb.com/laserdisc/21655/LV080491-WS/Godfather-Thehttps://www.lddb.com/laserdisc/24509/LV-084591-WS/Godfather-The:-Part-IIhttps://www.lddb.com/laserdisc/24512/LV32318-WS/Godfather-The:-Part-IIII originally asked the following (slightly reworded):
First question: In these releases, does the analogue left track retain the original mono mix, or is it a downmix of the AC-3 audio?
Second question: How does the AC-3 sound like compared to the 5.1 mixes on Blu-ray?
The reason I'm asking is that the Australian Blu-rays of the Coppola Restoration (I have a recent reprint) omit the mono track if memory recalls, and I have heard from the youtuber Damn Fool Idealistic Crusader in videos such as
his review of the 4K Boxset that the 5.1 mixes are awful. I do admit that I have only heard The Godfather films in 5.1.