Brought an Old Friend back... DENON DCD-1500, 1985/1987. My First Serious CD Player, found at a SALVATION ARMY in 2006.
My Grandma (R.I.P.) used her Senior Discount to get it for me for around $12.00 IIRC.
i wiped my Original copy out long ago; getting all cocky and over-adventurous in the Vintage CD Player Modding that i was fancying myself as something of a gifted amateur at back then.
Right at the tail-end of 2024 i came across the perfect excuse to finally get it back; a little-used single-owner nearly-minty example, - complete with Manual and Remote - And You'd Better Believe That I Bit~
Man oh MAN; Clearly the System i had twenty years ago just didn't even come close to what i have today,
because BOY does it ever display just how SMOOTH and WARM and Utterly Listenable this CDP actually is.
i thought i was Happy to get this thing back before... but now, i am Ecstatic. it is SUPREMELY LISTENABLE~