LaserDisc Database

Lumagen Radiance 2144 Remote
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Author:  laserfanhld-gb [ 31 Jul 2024, 16:48 ]
Post subject:  Lumagen Radiance 2144 Remote

A few weeks ago mine started to develop issues initially with one of the buttons (10+) not responding; since then several others have followed suit and also gone bad, have any other Lumagen owners here had similar problems with theirs? Have had the thing opened up and tried all the usual cleaning tips but with zero success sadly, these remotes just seem to be pretty much non existent on the used market anywhere which is of course understandable given the limited production of the products, the question is has anyone ever purchased a replacement directly from Lumagen - can imagine the shipping costs to outside of the US will be astronomical!

Author:  ldfan [ 02 Aug 2024, 06:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: Lumagen Radiance 2144 Remote

It sounds like you might be having an issue with oxidation of the copper traces on the circuit board. Here is a pic of one of what that looks like….


If this is what you see in the area of the board where your bad buttons are, you can try and jumper the section of bad traces with wire & solder. I did attempt that with my bad remote but it only partially worked as the damage was too extensive. Here is what it was looking like…


Hope this helps.

Author:  laserfanhld-gb [ 02 Aug 2024, 13:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: Lumagen Radiance 2144 Remote

Very much appreciate your helpful reply - Thank you!

I opened mine up again earlier but unlike the board in your pics it all appears to be in perfect order at least visually after examining with a bright lamp and magnifying glass, I did have brief success after applying a couple of short bursts of Deoxit - infact long enough to learn the codes of most of the bad buttons to my AV amp remote so at least I can now access these functions again but ultimately it looks like reaching out to Lumagen to see if purchase of a new handset is possible? Might just hang fire a while to see if a used one shows up, though I’m not too hopeful.

Author:  drewmanfu0 [ 30 Aug 2024, 20:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: Lumagen Radiance 2144 Remote

I've watched USED remotes sell for more than a new remote directly from Lumagen. Might be worth a shot just getting a new remote.

Author:  laserfanhld-gb [ 05 Sep 2024, 12:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: Lumagen Radiance 2144 Remote

drewmanfu0 wrote:
I've watched USED remotes sell for more than a new remote directly from Lumagen. Might be worth a shot just getting a new remote.

Thanks for the advice and apologies for the late response as have been away from home. I actually got in touch with the distributor here and they still had several of the original back lit versions plus the current non backlit handsets available so was able to purchase one for just £25 inc. shipping. All good again now!

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