LaserDisc Database

[CLD-99] Needing some love in Vancouver BC area
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Author:  jasongoy [ 02 Sep 2024, 21:16 ]
Post subject:  [CLD-99] Needing some love in Vancouver BC area

Hey there... first post but I have lurked here for a couple of years and am the proud owner of a CLD-970, CLD-M301 and my workhorse CLD-980.

I also have a CLD-99 that is in serious need of love and I am not nearly qualified enough to fix it. It has severe crosstalk on sides a and b and the laserdisc drawer does not eject (only the CD draw opens when it ejects).

Is there anyone on here local to the Lower Mainland in BC who may be able to fix it? I am also happy to pass it on to someone who will actually use it... locally obviously (I am not gonna risk shipping it) and a bona fide LD enthusiast... this seems to be a machine with a good rep so it would be cool to give it to someone who would appreciate that.

Thanks for reading

Author:  jasongoy [ 16 Oct 2024, 19:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: [CLD-99] Needing some love in Vancouver BC area

An update on this CLD-99. Not good news (for me). I couldn't find anyone local to fix it so tried to hotwire it myself. Research on this forum pointed to a new loading belt as a fix to the tray issue. Replacing that did not fix it. In the intervening time the player also developed an intermittent "clunking" sound when ejecting the CD tray and loading a CD.

So I took it to the local thrift store where I usually donate any laserdiscs I don't care for. Told them it wasn't working... they still took it and someone has since picked it up so I am hoping the new owner has better luck.

In the meantime I got hold of a Toshiba XR-W75... this seems to be a CLD D501 clone... it needed a new loading belt and since I changed that out it has been working great. I'll add some pictures to the database entry for that in the next couple of weeks... it seems to only have one right now.

So, still three working players in the house... the minimum number I like to have

Author:  williamthesaint [ 18 Oct 2024, 05:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: [CLD-99] Needing some love in Vancouver BC area

Yes, triple redundancy is the way to go for uptime. Sounds like you're coming across LD players fairly often. Nice.

Author:  jasongoy [ 18 Oct 2024, 17:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: [CLD-99] Needing some love in Vancouver BC area

Vancouver has quite a range of players as there is a large East Asian community here who not only bought locally but imported from Hong Kong and Japan. This means I have one Japanese player and discs from Hong Kong, Taiwan and Japan. A ton of Karaoke discs and players are also available locally... unfortunately my Cantonese is not good enough to enjoy those fully :)

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