LaserDisc Database

[HLD-X0] U1 error only on MUSE disc
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Author:  nidi [ 02 Dec 2024, 19:02 ]
Post subject:  [HLD-X0] U1 error only on MUSE disc

checked my 3 X0 players Yesterday and I do get an U1 error on my only MUSE disc
I have , the Sony Test disc,

went through the Error code thread.

could also a reason for the disc not spinning up be that the disc has a slightly bigger inner
hole so it slips or doesn't have the right tighness to spin it up?

none of the players have any problems with the NTSC discs

Author:  signofzeta [ 02 Dec 2024, 20:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: [HLD-X0] U1 error only on MUSE disc

My advice is to avoid MUSE discs. :)

Author:  edwin240170 [ 03 Dec 2024, 18:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: [HLD-X0] U1 error only on MUSE disc

Must be disc related if you have it on all of you players, try to get other MUSE disc I would say

Author:  nidi [ 03 Dec 2024, 19:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: [HLD-X0] U1 error only on MUSE disc

edwin240170 wrote:
Must be disc related if you have it on all of you players, try to get other MUSE disc I would say

only have that one. the most expensive disc I ever bought

Author:  jakeheke [ 03 Dec 2024, 20:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: [HLD-X0] U1 error only on MUSE disc

This fellow had a issue with his which seemed to be resolved by playing a CAV disc, worth a shot

Author:  nidi [ 03 Dec 2024, 21:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: [HLD-X0] U1 error only on MUSE disc

jakeheke wrote:

This fellow had a issue with his which seemed to be resolved by playing a CAV disc, worth a shot

thanks for the tip.

tested all three players with CAV NTSC discs and CAA (CLV) and all worked, just can't
get the MUSE test disc to spin up on all players.

Author:  jakeheke [ 03 Dec 2024, 22:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: [HLD-X0] U1 error only on MUSE disc

Likely the disc?
Why 3 x X0's?

Author:  nidi [ 03 Dec 2024, 22:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: [HLD-X0] U1 error only on MUSE disc

jakeheke wrote:
Likely the disc?
Why 3 x X0's?

they all were very cheap to get. HK$11000 back in '05 (USED of course)

nobody wanted them, HD was the new great thing.

and one thing LD is still good for , Music Video Clips (some of which using NTSC video and film in the same clip) won't look much better even using AI upscale

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